Chartered Clubs


Meetings: Tuesdays, 3pm, Adaptive Fitness Center Gym (North Gym)


Club email:

Club Advisor: Louis Jones

Club Purpose: To create inclusive opportunities at LAVC for students with and without disabilities and to increase disability awareness in our college and surrounding community. We also help support students with disabilities navigate the community college experience and share information and resources.

ASU Events

ASU planned may events for students. 

ASU Banquet



Why should you join ASU?

Students at LAVC should get involved with the ASU because it offers the opportunity to grow as a leader as a student representative on campus. Even if you have no prior leadership experience, ASU will help you develop skills like communication, event-planning, and working with a team. Being a part of ASU is also a fun experience; you get to work with students and staff who are as passionate in improving student life on campus as you are. Lastly, if you are willing to apply to competitive schools, being a part of student government will greatly help you stand out among students. ~ M.Sanchez

ASU Officers in Washington DC
ASU Executive Council in DC representing students.


Los Angeles Valley College Athletics offers 10 competitive sports teams including Baseball, Men’s Basketball, Women’s Basketball,
